How to uninstall kodi
How to uninstall kodi

how to uninstall kodi
  1. How to uninstall kodi apk#
  2. How to uninstall kodi install#
  3. How to uninstall kodi update#
  4. How to uninstall kodi manual#
  5. How to uninstall kodi for android#

  • Right-click on the Start button and select Programs and Features > Find the Kodi in the interface> Select Kodi and choose Uninstall option to activate its default uninstaller.
  • Remove Kodi through Programs and Features Find and End the processes related to the program. To make sure nothing related to the program is running in the back ground, press and hold Ctrl + Alt + Del on your keyboard to open the Task Manager. If you see Kodi, right-click on it and select to close the program. In the bottom-right corner of your screen, check the System Tray. You should remember to end tasks of Kodi in computer’ background, that’s really influenced bad or wrong during the removal. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet. Kodi is available for multiple operating-systems and hardware platforms, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. What is Kodi: Kodi (formerly XBMC) is a free and open source media player application developed by the XBMC/Kodi Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. The HTPC setup had many bells and whistles and was impressive looking but caused nothing but problems for me. Before I downloaded the HTPC set up deal I was running Kodi 15.2 with NextPvr and it was working fine. Help I just want to start over from scratch. I did not have to set up a PVR client or tell it what files to scan for movies etc. I tried a fresh download of 15.2 yesterday and when it started up all of the settings from the previous set up were there. It seems like there are some files I am not getting removed. How can I totally remove Kodi and start over with a fresh download. I tried to uninstall Kodi from the control panel and also deleted it from the X86 program files but the problem still is there.

    How to uninstall kodi install#

    My problem is when I download and install Kodi from this site some of the settings and addons still show up. Let’s take a look on what kind of problem did a user met when he/she tried to uninstall Kodi from PC:Īfter using it for a week and putting up with numerous problems and crashes I uninstalled Kodi. However, people are often not aware of the fact that certain apps may cause issues during now or after of the uninstalling process. Note: Unlike other OSes, uninstalling Kodi on Android will also erase your userdata folder and all of your settings.Uninstalling apps and programs on Windows system is supposed to be an easy process and there are even two features you can use to uninstall apps: Control Panel and Settings. From there you will be able to un-install Kodi like any other Android app. To un-install Kodi just go to your Android settings menu and select "apps". If you are using a non-official version not signed by us you may be required to un-install Kodi and you will loose all your settings due to this.

    How to uninstall kodi for android#

    Note: Since Kodi for Android is signed with our own signatures you will be able to install all succeeding versions without a problem. Be sure to make a backup of the userdata folder when doing updates in case something goes wrong. All your settings and files will be preserved as they are located in a different place in the userdata folder.

    how to uninstall kodi

    How to uninstall kodi update#

    To update Kodi for Android simply follow the normal install steps with the newer version.

    How to uninstall kodi apk#

    See also: HOW-TO:Install Kodi on Fire TV 2.4 Tidy upĪfter Kodi has installed you can delete the downloaded Kodi APK file to save some disk space. This includes installation instructions for phones, tablets and most boxes running Android.

    How to uninstall kodi manual#

    So make sure to backup your stable Kodi settings before testing nightlies and then restore from that backup once you have stable Kodi installed again.Ģ Manual installation 2.1 Enabling installation 2.1.1 Android (normal) Uninstalling the Kodi nightly and reinstalling Kodi will reset all Kodi settings. If you want to go back to the most recent stable version, uninstall the Kodi nightly first and reinstall Kodi either via Google Play or the manual installation which is explained in this article.

    how to uninstall kodi

    Please report any bugs and issues you come across to the Kodi forum. They may contain bugs and/or drastically change how the program works. These alpha and beta builds are considered "semi stable", and contain the latest changes to Kodi. Note: Be sure to backup before you install this! In order to test Kodi nightlies on your Android device, just download them from here:

    How to uninstall kodi